
Session Rules

Session Rules

Leith Community Archers Club's instructors reserve the right to remove non-compliant participants if they fail to adhere to the rules listed below or to any verbal instructions given during the session.

  • The instructors are the session leaders. You must listen to them at all times.
  • Parents and carers must be familiar with session and safety rules. They are solely responsible for their children/dependents at all times.
  • Only the participants booked within the current time slot, along with parents or carers, are permitted in the shooting area.
  • Participants awaiting their slot must remain in the designated waiting area. - in the corridor outside the Games Hall
  • The shooting range and lanes will be marked out.
  • Participants must be seated behind the shooting range until it is their turn to shoot.
  • No one is permitted in the shooting range unless directed by session leaders e.g. to collect arrows.
  • Under no circumstances can participants handle archery equipment unless instructed by the session leaders.
  • You are given a set of 4 arrows and a bow at the beginning of the session. You must return them at the end of the session.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. No hanging jewellery, scarves or open-ended shoes.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • No running
  • Arm braces should be worn on the outside of clothes.

Safety Rules

Safety Rules

  1. Remember - A loaded bow is a deadly weapon.
  2. Whilst another archer is shooting be alert to potential dangers.
  3. Where danger or even a perceived possible danger exists, shout ‘FAST’ or 'STOP' loudly. If in any doubt shout ‘FAST!’ or 'STOP' anyway.
  4. Participants must wait for a command (One short blast of the whistle) before they shoot and wait for a second signal(Three short blasts on the whistle) before they can collect their arrows.
  5. In the event of an arrow over-shooting a butt at least one adult member of a group should remain standing in front of a target whilst others search for and retrieve arrows.
  6. Never shoot an arrow where you cannot see where it will land.
  7. Never shoot an arrow straight up into the air.
  8. Never shoot a cracked, bent or damaged arrow.
  9. Never point an arrow at a person and never shoot to the side of a person.
  10. Never pretend to shoot towards a person.
  11. Never stand in a shooting lane forward of the shooting line or in front of an archer about to shoot.
  12. Never wear headphones while in charge of a bow and arrow and when shooting.
  13. If you have doubts of any kind don’t shoot.
  14. Don’t just think things are safe, make sure!

Permitted Equipment

Permitted equipment

You are welcome to bring your own equipment to use at our sessions, however, for safety reasons and due to us using a rented indoor space, there are some limitations to what can be used.

Bows: Recurve bows only, with a maximum poundage of 30lbs

Arrows: Aluminium arrows only.

  • We don’t allow other types of shooting equipment due to safety regulations and insurance reasons.
  • We are also unable to give guidance or training on other equipment types.
  • Wooden and carbon fibre arrows are prohibited due to risk of shattering.